10 proven techniques for a second attempt at a bachelor or master's thesis

Here's a true story about a second attempt... A fellow student of mine failed a final oral exam in economics and had to repeat it. He felt so defeated by failing that in two months he had absorbed the material so intensively that when he took the exam again,  he got an A. But that was not the end of the story.

He then worked as a private tutor for five years: He was busy with preparing 200 students each year for two courses of 50 hours each for the final oral examination with his old  professor. He was only paid 5 euros per person per hour... Do the math. Why only five years? Well, the professor retired then otherwise my classmate would probably still be tutoring today...

Apparently there's one good thing about defeat... Of course, a second attempt at the Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis makes you feel like crap and badly defeated, something everyone wants to avoid. BUT: You got a second chance! You can now even do a good or very good grade. Like the first mishap never happened. Just do a better job this time.

Here are the 10 most important techniques, so that this time you will receive a top score.

Second attempt technique 1: Find a clear topic

The clearer the topic is formulated, the better the prospects. There are patterns for topics so check out our topic trip. We can also optimize existing topics, which is unfortunately often necessary.

Second attempt technique 2: Formulate a clear research question with a goal

Without this research question and a goal, nothing works properly. Where are you going without aim? The text is a target, clearly. But what is the objective in terms of content? Of course the first goal is to finish, the second goal is to pass and the third goal is, maybe, to get a good grade. These are good and just goals. But still the substantive goal is missing. You will find all patterns and examples for proper goal setting in the Thesis-Guide.

Second attempt technique 3: Formulate a perfect outline

There is a pattern for the outline! Stick to it. Then you will never have to change it again and can work through it chapter by chapter.

You can use our sample layout to calculate how many pages each chapter should have with just one click, depending on how many pages you are required to write. Enter your page number, select the type of text and download your sample layout in PDF, with just one click, free of charge.

Second attempt technique 4: Choose an appropriate methodology

HOW do I proceed? This is already very well-prepared by the topic, research question and goal. Now you can decide on either a literature evaluation (literature thesis) or an empirical thesis with surveys or interviews. Then follow the instructions in our thesis guide.

Second attempt technique 5: Write a real proposal and use it during your meeting with your supervisor

The proposal is your schedule, your work plan, your compass, your basis for discussion, your framework and your introduction. The proposal is like a sedative, it simply lets you work in peace. Moreover, the proposal makes all your excuses disappear. You have a clear beginning, sources, outline, the leading question, etc. The proposal is a real wonder... So you always know what to do. Check if you have succeeded and refine the thesis proposal.

Second attempt technique 6: Learn excellent writing techniques that will help you with your thesis and in life

Writing will always be important, even in times of dictation and speech recognition. Become familiar with our turbo writing technique and you will write five pages per day. FIVE PAGES A DAY!!!

Second attempt technique 8: Prepare a complete schedule with milestones and sprints to check off

Just stick to our plan in the Thesis Guide and your project will flow. Here's the complete schedule.

Second attempt technique 9: Gather a collection of effective techniques for motivation and for life

Of course, it's frustrating doing it all over again. But as they say, crisis is an opportunity... Now you feel that these are not empty words. You can learn how to motivate yourself during this difficult phase. Everybody's been through this and in such moments, the right techniques can save us. Here you will find the best techniques against procrastination. Use them to start working on your second attempt!

Second attempt technique 10: Install a sharp proofreader and corrector that won't let you get away with anything

Check the text thoroughly. Use an external proofreading and make a proof print. Of course, you need to give yourself a few days so you will have to finish the text even earlier.

Good luck writing your text!

Silvio and the Aristolo Team

PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor or master thesis in 31 days.