12 reasons why the library is your favorite place to work on your bachelor or master thesis

The success of your bachelor's or master's thesis also depends on the environment in which you write it. The rule here is: a quieter space will make it easier to concentrate. Therefore, the perfect place to write your bachelor's or master's thesis is the university library. It might just become your favorite place to work on the thesis for these 12 reasons.

1. The library is a quiet place to work

In libraries, you may only speak in selected rooms. Therefore, it is always a quiet space - no café can ensure that. There are (almost) no distractions so you can concentrate to the best of your ability. Unfortunately, the library also eliminates distractions as excuses...

2. You are never alone with your thesis in the library.

Getting up at home every day can be difficult at times. Some days you just can't get yourself motivated. But sharing your pain with others is a kind of relief. It can be motivating to see other students in the library so you know you are NOT alone!

3. The walk to the library can become your thesis ritual

As in many situations in life, rituals will help you write your thesis. One of them could be going to the library every morning. Once you get into a rhythm, it becomes easier and easier. And poof, you wrote a few pages. Try it out!

4. The librarians are your allies when it comes to the thesis.

Librarians know exactly where to find certain sources. They are familiar with the catalogs, and they also know how to get books from the departmental libraries of supervisors. Your network is unsurpassed.

Ask any question about sources, and they can certainly give you an answer or find someone who can. So it’s better ask and let them help you. Small thank-you gifts preserve friendship.

5. Search catalogs and librarians can help with thesis research

Searching properly is an art! The search catalogs in the library are very useful, but they are also tricky and in a world of their own. Librarians can always help you. You won't get such a service at home, in a café or from friends. Search and ask, ask and search.

6. Librarians help with interlibrary loans.

You may need some books that are not available in your library but in others. Interlibrary loans are lifesavers because you can borrow a book from another library. That's elaborate. In addition, the friendly librarians will help find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently, therefore reducing some of your concerns.

7. The library has reference books in stock.

Some books may not be borrowed. These are usually very productive basic books or textbooks, and they are guaranteed to be available. But to access them, you have to get up early, literally. Another advantage of libraries: they structure your day.

8. Journals for the thesis can also be found in the library.

Trade journals are also often not allowed to be taken home. So if you need to access articles in such journals, your chances are better in the library. You can also copy them there.

9. Copying is possible at the library.

A university library offers an all-around service for writing your bachelor's or master's Thesis. Maybe you have a photocopier at home but you certainly won't in the café next door. You can make copies to your heart's content at the library. But be selective about the sources because copying is only an intermediate step. You also have to read and evaluate the sources.

10. The WLAN is usually faster at the library than at home.

To satisfy the special needs of inquisitive and cosmopolitan mobile students, a university library always has a very stable and fast WLAN. Maybe it’s even better than the one at your home! Those who find what they are looking for faster will finish their bachelor's or master's thesis faster. It's that simple.

11. Fellow students who either challenge you or encourage you are present at the library.

Many students write their theses directly in the library. Some may work faster than you while others take more time than you. So some of them challenge you while the others encourage you that you are not doing so bad...

12. The cafeteria in front of the library offers rewards, such as chatting, drinking coffee, celebrating successes...

And last but not least, the best argument why you should write your thesis in the library: When the work is done, you can reward yourself! The cafeteria next to the library offers you just that. You can exchange ideas with like-minded people (keyword: shared suffering is half suffering), you can treat yourself to a delicious latte macchiato or just get your mind off your work for a bit. The place right next to the library is worth its weight in gold.

Good luck writing your text!

Silvio and the Team Aristolo

PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor or master thesis in 31 days.